By Vlad Gozman, a serial entrepreneur and the founder and CEO of Follow @vladgozman on Twitter.
The internet as we know it is about to change. On February 6, Google unveiled Bard, a conversational AI service to be integrated into Google Search. This new technology is designed to interact with users in a more human-like way, understanding queries the way a person would. Around the same time, Microsoft held a Bing and ChatGPT event, highlighting a new search engine tool that will allow users to receive answers generated by AI in a bubble above the search results.
The integration of large language models into search engines is a major development in the world of internet search. It will allow users to find more relevant results in less time and with less effort. However, this poses new challenges for marketing teams, as their content will appear further down in the search engine results. As AI-powered search engines become the norm, marketers will need to stay ahead of the curve and adjust their strategies accordingly. Let’s look at a few ways marketers can respond.
Use a data-driven approach.
The old-school approach to content marketing was to produce a lot of material and hope that something would stick. Now, with the advent of a new form of search, marketers need to be more strategic in their approach. By leveraging data, you can understand what types of content your audience is looking for and tailor your content accordingly.
Google Analytics can help you understand what content is resonating and identify any gaps in your content strategy. The free tool tracks how many views your site receives, where viewers are coming from and which pages are being viewed the most. So if you see that a particular blog post is getting a lot of traffic, you might consider creating more content on that topic. Or if you notice that visitors to your site are bouncing away without viewing any other pages, it might be time to reconsider the overall design of your site.
Of course, that’s just scratching the surface of data. You can also track things like time on site, conversion rates and social media engagement. Moreover, the content itself can be a source of data. For instance, if you’re A/B testing headlines, you can use the results of that test to inform your future content strategy.
Go beyond the blog post.
Blogs were once the cornerstone of content marketing, but AI-powered search engines may render them obsolete. To stand out on the crowded search engine results page, you’ll need to go beyond the standard blog post and start creating more unique content.
In recent years, there’s been a lot of talk about pivoting to video. The idea is that, as there’s more and more content online, traditional written blog posts are becoming less effective. There’s no denying that video is a powerful medium, but it’s not the only one.
Some might prefer watching a video, while others might prefer reading a how-to guide. That’s why it’s important to have a mix of content types on your site. Not only will this make your site more engaging, but it will also give you a better chance of reaching people who might not respond to one type of content. For example, if you have a guide about a new product, you can also create a video demo or an infographic to go along with it.
Implement interactive content.
Legacy static content has just been dealt a major blow. If users begin to only read AI-generated answers to their queries, marketers will need to step up their game and create real reasons for users to visit their site. Interactive content gives users the information they need in a more dynamic way. It also allows you to capture and analyze data to get a better understanding of what customers want and how they interact with your content.
Interactive content could be anything from a quiz or poll to a calculator or tool. A real estate firm, for instance, might use an interactive calculator to help buyers understand how a mortgage would work for them, or a fashion brand might create a quiz to help customers find the right style.
Not only does interactive content provide valuable insights about your audience, but it can also help you capture email addresses and other contact information. This is valuable because it gives you a direct way to reach out to people who are interested in your product or service.
Even something as simple as a poll can be considered interactive content. When used judiciously, it can add some much-needed levity to an otherwise dry topic. And if that poll happens to be shareable, you’ll get the added benefit of having your content seen by a wider audience.
Understand supply and demand dynamics.
Decades ago, there was high demand for static written content and a relatively low supply. This meant companies that produced quality content had a competitive advantage. Today, the landscape has changed. The internet and tools like ChatGPT have created an overabundance of content, and it can be difficult to stand out from the crowd. At the same time, people are now more likely to skim than read.
To be successful in this environment, it’s important to create interactive, engaging content that’s relevant to your audience. Additionally, you need to use data to understand what’s working and what isn’t. By taking a data-driven approach, you can ensure that your content strategy is on point and that you’re meeting the needs of your customers.